Taxis From

Shanklin to Shalcombe

Isle of Wight

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Need a taxi from Shanklin to Shalcombe?

Travelling from Shanklin to Shalcombe is a journey that covers approximately 26.5 kilometers and approximately 16.46 miles. By car, it will take about 34.00 minutes to complete, ensuring an efficient yet comfortable trip. Prices for this journey start from £43.01 with Paul’s Taxis, offering you not just convenience but also great value. Trust in Paul’s Taxis for your next travel; they’re known for their reliability, comfort, and exceptional service. Enjoy the scenic route and the smooth ride, making the most of your time while you travel in comfort.

How far is Shanklin to Shalcombe?

16.46 Miles*

26.5 Kilometers*

From Shanklin

*Distances and times provided are estimates, calculated using central postcodes of each town and assuming an average speed conforming to road speed limits.

**Prices listed are approximate, derived from a per-mile rate and an initial fare. Please note, these prices are not guaranteed; Paul’s Taxis reserves the right to modify fares at any time without prior notice.

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